Deadly Buda Trax

Bio Booking/Contact

Random Press

SPIN July 1994 (USA) quoted by Charles Aaron


Courtesy of DJ Deadly Buda, the pride of Pittsburgh, excerpted from Under One Sky fanzine: “Now comes a more demanding question; where shall the energy be directed? Once decided, will we, the big-talk (insert generational buzzword here), fuck up once again? Or, visionaries of dope-ass sonic horticulture, will we deliver the ... BASS AS STATED.” So there.

DJ #164 May 96 (United Kingdom) Listed by Technohead

Was listed in the DJ Magazine (UK, May 96) for Techno genre at #6. for Fukem 1.

“Dead by Dawn” compilation that I have a track on was listed at #4 with a good review.

PLRM magazine Interview with Chip Bullock of Eyegasm Sound and Light

PLRM: do you think the scene is dieing?

CHIP: No, definitely not, it’s evolving, it’s continuallyevolving. One of my favorite dj’s deadly buddah Who use to be from Pittsburgh has a new unique approach of morphing music & fusing it with many styles. and- as long as the music is alive the more people will become accustomed to It & possibly to the style of the late night partying that goes with it.

Listed in Fix Magazine in 96 for Pure Acid Mixtapes sold a shitload of these tapes this month #9 for Devastating Sonic Badness.

...and by the way...

Also worth mentioning, though I couldn’t find any records of it anywhere was the fact that I got good reviews in Frontpage (used to be the biggest German rave magazine) for my track on the Communique “Neighbors” compilation. Also I was Interviewed for some Japanese fanzine or magazine from Osaka. I have no idea what ever happened or if it came out, but it is worth mentioning interest in the Pacific (aside from Australia).

Radio Playlists

I’m not really sure how many radio stations in the country ever played My releases or Deadly Systems, but I found a few playlists that were still on the web for one reason or another. I downloaded the lists and you can take a look at them. There were probably a lot of smaller college stations that put us in rotation but that’s a little hard to track down. One cool thing is that WFMU had Universal Dynamo in rotation, and that’s one of the top indies in the country (or at least was). Clicking on the picture will open up a .pdf with playlists from WFMU, WMBR, and WTSR . You have to dig a bit for the Deadly Buda listings, but they are in there.