

Q3+4 2021:

Release of Part 8: Section 1, related scene and sequence cards, website creation (complete)

  Q1 2022:       

Begin promotion efforts. announcements of NFT project release.

Release of promotional NFTs.

Deadly Buda weekly blog pages begin.

Q2 2022:

Release of Part 8: Sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and related packs, scene and sequence cards.

Work begins on Part 8 Remix.

Announcement of Part 8 mix rewards and special editions.

Initial release of teaser art and special collectibles leading up to the release of Part 9.

Q3 2022:

Work commences on Part 9.

New hire to assist with project.

Q4 2022:

Announcement of Part 9 mix rewards, and special editions.

Initial release of Part 9 Special Editions.

Q1 2023:

Release of Part 9, its related scene and sequence cards, and rewards.

New team hires.

Work commences on Parts 1-7.

Q2 2023:

Release of teaser art and special collectibles leading up to the release of Parts 1-7.

Q3 2023:

Announcement of Parts 1-7 mix rewards and special editions.

Q4 2023:

Initial release of Parts 1-7 special editions.

Q1 2024:

Release of Parts 1-7, their related scene and sequence cards, and rewards.

Q2 2024:

Work commences on Parts 10-74 (Final), and Part 8+9 Combination Remix.

Release of teaser art and special collectibles leading up to the release of Parts 10-74 and Final.

Announcement of Parts 10-74 mix rewards and special editions.

Q1 2025:

Release of Part 8+9 Combination Remix.

Q2 2025:

Release of Parts 10-74 (Final), their related scene and sequence cards, special editions and rewards.

Q2 2026:

New Roadmap announced.