Deadly Buda Trax

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What people say about “Deadly Buda”...
...caught in press...

Technobeat by Nitro ’93 Ephedrine Fanzine Issue 1, (published approximately 1994) Algorhythm 2 Rave Halloween-Somewhere in Pittsburgh

“But then- DEADLY BUDA ‘came on and tore it up with the techno-insanity that causes cancer in laboratory rats. It was if the ecstacy were in the music and I didn’t ‘need any drugs cause he just rules. I couldn’t control my feet so I started skankin’ like I was at a Circle Jerks show in 1980 or something.”

Interview with Chip Bullock of Eyegasm Sound and Light in PLRM magazine

One of my favorite dj’s deadly buddah Who use to be from Pittsburgh has a new unique approach of morphing music & fusing it with many styles. and- as long as the music is alive the more people will become accustomed to It & possibly to the style of the late night partying that goes with it.

Saturn review in Orbis Magazine by Mistik

The tunes were great, but the location -The Taj Majal- left me with a feeling that the 2nd floor was going to cave in when Deadly Buda played.

...straight from the flyers...

Sugar Spectacular Part 2/Boulder, CO, Dec.31, 2001

Known for playing uncompromising, hard , ballistic, tribal, and experimental manic beats of all sorts, Deadly Buda will surely put you into a dancing frenzy. Don’t miss this very rare appearance by one of the great ones.

New Years Eve 2001 Pittsburgh, PA, Dec. 31, 2000

The Pittsburgh original hardcore deejay promoter, Turbo Zen co-founder and record store proprietor, Joel has been around the block Now He’s back, and appropriately joining us in welcoming the new millenium. For those of you who remember Pittsburgh’s early days, you’ll know that Buda was at the forefront throwing events like ‘Powerrave’, ‘High Voltage and ‘Soul’. He has since ventured out west spending time in Colorado and now in Hollywood where he bases his ‘Deadly Systems’ label where the motto is” disservicing mainstream mundanity, worldwide. With production credits on labels like Communique, Praxis, Fukem, Mokum, Level 2 and his own ‘DeadySystems ‘ Buda has earned a fine reputation as one of the major hardcore players in states. He will ease you into his wildstyle set starting out at at 120 bpm, but be prepared for a lesson in true hardcore reaching 250 bpm. Let us give you fair warning: there is nothing happy about this hardcore.

Pussy /New York City August 18, 2000

A Hardcore pioneer coming from LA. This guy’s the owner and operator of Deadly Systems Records. This old schooler played at the Storm Parties back in ‘92 and is one of th biggest hardcore DJs around. 1st NYC appearance in over a year!

Deadly Resurrection/ Charlotte, NC July 7, 2000

3D animator by trade, evel wax-slinger/producer by night, featured in URB magazine’s Next 100... it’s time for everything you thought you knew about techno to be bashed out of your head. Buda’s over the top wildstyle will leave your head spinning and ready for suggestions.

Era 2/ Pittsburgh PA August 7, 1999

We couldn’t have an event of this caliber without the founder of the Pittsburgh rave scene involved. with tons of releases on some of the biggest hardcore labels in America and Europe, you can expect nothing short of a breakneck, nosebleed set of the roughest tracks!

Origin 2 /Minneapolis MN June 25, 26, 27, 1998

Crowds love him all over the place. We’re very excited to bring out this dose of hardcore mayhem. Place both feet firmly on the ground, you may not be standing when he’s finished.

...or, for a more Post-Modern critique...

People Would Go Crazy introduction to Word Bombs conference ‘techno-’ panel (London) by Matthew Fuller May 1996

Not suprisingly then, the yawnsomely canonical intertextuality of much postmodern fiction gets the stinky finger in favour of texts more along the lines of that described by DJ Deadly Buda in his Morphing Culture manifesto, hyping a turntable scenario that is seriously threatening to the continued stable identity of anyone expecting what they’re expected to expect:

“Jumble break to the best part of every song - that jet engine take off, that good ole football crowd noise, the explosion at the beginning of every KISS live album, that nutty pre-acid house baleric movement! how often do you wish the musicians would just give it up and make a whole song out of all those kool sounds?”

Very cool insane letters to “Under One Sky” Fanzine concerning “Turbo-Zen” from back in the day...

Greetings most informed ones, I finally built enough time to drop you some pages. I’M currently living in Pittsburgh attending schooling of higher knowledge. I devote as much time as possible to our slowly but surely progressing Techno scene It’s been a long hard battle, but things are coming together, with our next event HIGH VOLTAGE. We are hoping to unify the areas DJs with the steady flow of great vinyl into Turbo Zen. With all this kicking music coming in, people could start frequenting the store more and buying records. Spending this time together couldn’t be bad. Let’s wake up and pull together Pittsburgh before it’s too late. Peace and unity forever!

Johnny Love Pittsburg to Madison

Thanks for such a truly informative and genuine zine for the thing we call R***. I just finished reading my first issue and I’m extremely satisfied and impressed. My good friend DJ DEADLY BUDA introduced me to your publication at TURBO ZEN Records here in PITTSBURG, where R*** is becoming special in terms of an alternative to this grungy, wretched post-industrial town. I was reading Bones words in Decembers issue and I agree 100% on the no sell out commitment to the cause. Any other way and it’d be something completely different before long. Thanks again & may the force be with all of you

Tim O Shaughnessy WEXFORD PA

Pittsburghs own Turbo Zen has held some great R***S and I want to commend them on their underground legality. UOS RULES!!! Life is short R*** HARD! L8R