Under One Sky #13 1993-Scene Report, Record Reviews
Boy, O, Boy, My, my man, I’m tellin ya, that was the fuckin shit. Golly, they’ll be hurtin’ after that 1. Yep, Supernature was all right. The scenario unfolds, dear readers, Read on my mellow. So the lowdown,precious hombres-was this-Algorhythm 1-2-3. 3 events calibrated mathematically to kick ass. The mission was this... Let’s face it, the hard core suffered major casualties last year, what with all -the stupid busts, lackluster promotion, bad press, etc. It seemed that soon enough, we would all be listening to crappy alternative rock for the next gazillion years. I think a lot of people, even myself at times, lost sight of some fundamental goals that started us all on this completely bizarre, amorphous thing we seem to spend all our time on. Like, here you are running around in some shit hole with all your) friends-why it kinda doesn’t make any sense unless you like have a reason. I can’t obviously speak for every one, but I’m sure I speak for a number of you who agree with this: all my fucking life I was bored completely out of my skull, here I am with this energy built up inside me, there are no outlets for it. I get chased by cops for doing the art I love which doesn’t hurt anyone. Any expression I have is misunderstood or dogged on by people that I actually like, but it is almost as if they have been brainwashed. So what gives, every time I try to help, people say I hurt. So along comes some thing that can deal with all the energy, It’s a god send, a forum to magically express ideas & feelings, with so much potential you could see the future unfold before your eyes, you almost cry because you see some vague semblance of an answer! Thus you put your heart & soul into this, this, thing, & you begin to see something taking shape, you can’t fucking believe it, then poof! It’s gone. What it always comes down to, the reason why we will always eventually come back to the truth-you know there really isn’t any thing better to do than save the earth. Yep. As soon as you are ready to come back to “reality” you are faced with mindcrunching boredom. There’s the “Well, I’m mature, I have kids & responsibilities” etc excuse- a classic-but no. Not anymore. You have kids, & they grow up in a world that hates itself. There are no real answers, no spaceship is going to beam up the “ones that truly understand”, Nope, this is it bucko We have to make the change, No one quite knows exactly what it is, so we gotta get busy finding out, gotta explore you know. So we R***. We bounce up & down all over the place with all this energy-we proved that much-now we must channel it.
THUS LET THE CHANNELING BEGIN Algorhythm 1 got off to a slow start, with only I week to promote. Josh Wink, Scott Forbush & the Millenium crew (Turbo Zen) played to those lucky enough to find out about it. Sound & lightwise it was solid, basic & effective. A-2 benefited from the hype generated from A-1 You could feel the vibe in the air. The word about A-1 had circulated through the hills. The full moon beckoned. Hallows eve, devils night. Thus the Millenium crew was in it’s natural element, so to speak. Strengthened by Lenny Dee. The pure force of this idea put many otherwise headstrong R***RS in Withering states of ridiculous idiocy. Yep it took place in a paint ball arena. it was filthy. Everyone was getting covered with paint. It was like a maze, obstacles every where, places to hide, to gather, brilliant. It got busted at 3:30 am, right before Lenny Dec was too spin. A-3-Supernature! This would decide the fate of hard core in the gateway to the west. The crowd, hyped in numbers from A-2, were edgy. Could the final phase pull through? Was it too good to be true, was A-2 really that good & got busted? Can rampant imagination from the soul establish itself in the hearts & minds of the populace-this was the question. Days before A-3, tragedy struck-location change. But the line up would go down in hard core history as a true momentary meeting of the minds. Lenny Dec, Frankic Bones, ESP, Deadly Buda, Terry Kicks, Side 2, 187, Soji-Fu, Finger, +FX, Pawn. That would be in our favor. My teeth chattered a nervous grind for days worrying, would the people feel the vibe, would I get laid, er uh excuse me. Anyway, so it starts raining, great, I sit at the door, my eyes closed, resigned to putting myself at the hands of fate, to leave myself naked, submitting (say what?) to the destiny decided for me. Here I am this complete idiot, sitting in the rain, waiting for people to come to this measly roof & dance for christ sake. Thus, I sit back in mv chair, with my hand stamp, waiting for the schizophrenia to take over every part of my mind. So I sit, & a few of people come, & uh, there’s a couple more, & oh my goodness, it’s like, there’s a lot of people here & they can’t believe that they’re not the only one’s here either, & like it starts to come into focus once again, Bones got on the mic & said something truly brilliant - the room starts cranking the fuck up man, & then ESP & Lenny unleash the thundering bass so fast & then it was pumping & that rush got higher & higher & you were going up up up & that bass drove you. You knew it was true. As it just got higher like that devastating vibe. That fuckin’ energy that you have pumping that energy that was manifest which you were a witness now do you fucking get it? So we proved the Algorhythms to be of sound judgement, a few bugs, but nothing that can’t be helped with a little effort. Now comes a more demanding question; where shall the energy be directed? Once decided, will we, the big talk R***RS, fuck up once again? Or visionaries of dope-ass sonic horticulture, will we deliver the .... BASS AS STATED?