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![]() -Marcel Proust (adapted) REVIEWSBlack Sabbath Riot In Milwaukee 1980 (El Turco Loco 004, USA) Yet another strange slab from the El Turco Loco camp. I’m told this is Khan who used to work Walker and that whole crew of crazy Germans. It’s all becoming clear. Worthy of mention simply for having Beer City in the title, this odd record is pretty much what it says it is: a recording of a riot at a Black Sabbath concert in 1980... at least, part of it is. The bulk of it is actually weird, slowish breakbeat tracks that use samples of crowd noise. Kids yelling “fuck you” and tour managers proclaiming that “Black Sabbath do not appreciate being pelted with flying objects” etc. More of a curiosity / intro piece than something that will actually worm its way into the fat of a set. 100/666 <fishead> Doormouse + Unibomber (Distort 02, USA) The Cult Of AOL track from the Fuckin’ Doormouse cassette finally makes it to wax. I’ve only been waiting about a year for it. It’s a different mix on this release, which is too bad ‘cause frankly that intro of dial tones and connecting modems is the sort of thing that I’d love to use to freak people right the fuck out. Also compiled on the Doormouse side is the ever popular Dolemite track... now I’m just waiting for the Beer track from his Even Furthur set to get pressed. I know you’re reading so hurry it up, punk ass!! Flip the record for the Unibomber side which is, imho, a LOT stronger this time around. Maybe it’s the fact that this is a better pressing than Distort 1 or maybe his tracks are kicking more ass. Jungle is faster than most of the d’n’b out there making it very easy to use as a segue into some solid four kick beats making it all but indispensable in recent weeks. Sadist follows things up with a mix-friendly track littered with samples from old horror flick trailers. As an added bonus there’s a block of scratch material closing out this side of the record... includes everybody’s favourite Australian telling you to fuck off, which is perfect for playing really loud when your neighbors won’t make their damn, fool dog shut up. 637/666 <fishead> Pimax / Zip & Morg / Core Tex Labs (Isterecord 01, France) Nice selection of break beating tracks. One side is loaded with a bed of kick drums to keep things sane, but the other side breaks free and gets a little abstract. Tasty all around and nothing cheesy. It’s all in the 200bpm range and playable as all hell. Not exactly the sort of thing that will dominate a set and have people trainspotting, but it doesn’t seem to care as I’ve been finding it on my decks a hell of a lot. As much tool as tune it’s a versatile record that I like more now than when I bought it. 465/666 <fishead> La Peste Wide Sierra De Metal Trippe (Hangars Liquides 003, France) Did somebody say they were looking for something fast?? Leave it to the French. Laurent Mialon (aka La Peste) casually throws out a quartet of brain damaged tracks. Wide Sierra... is the sort of thing that can be casually worked into a straight up techno set as it fluctuates between a moderately paced 150bpm and a tasty 300... you can smell the minds frying. Very nice track and it slips into the mix with little or no difficulty. Aside from La Scandale Du Sample Contamine which clocks at 125bpm the rest of the record is dizzying speedcore that manages to effectively combat the myth that speed kills the groove. 619/666 <fishead> Liz N. Eliaz Voyager Loops (Provision 004, France) Provision busts out again with a two track effort by label honcho Liz N. Eliaz. Species populates the A-side and isn’t what I’ve come to expect from the label. Doesn’t really attack you at all, in fact it’s a sort of retro sounding acid-trance tune. Torn Lace Microspace more than makes up for it, though. Kicking in with a barrage of straight noise, this is THE shit. Sounds like the exact same kick drum that made Pow Low on Mokum as good as it was (fuck Chosen Few that Dano record is the best thing the label ever did... if you disregard that first track full of Fear Factory riffs). Anyhow... Torn Lace Microspace roughly 250bpm, lotsa noise with a clean kick drum to die for. Any questions? 510/666 <fishead> XKV8 featuring Overtkill & Le Lascar Shit For You (Hangars Liquides 002, France) Sophomore effort from this experimental label out of France. This one follows up the debut 12” by EPC (which, unfortunately I haven’t been able to track down). Four tracks of relentless speed-core coupled with vocal samples so completely mangled I can’t even discern what language they’re in. Christ with a catheter these kids play rough. Get ready to drop the slider down to -8 ‘cause these tracks have the sort of production quality that makes ‘em mixable, but they’ve also got the sort of speed that makes you wish for a pitch slider with as much range as Ron Jeremy’s fabled rhythm stick. 597/666 <fishead> Ingler Reboot System (Psychick Genocide 2, France) Unless you can show me a collection of speed garage records or some other evidence of severe mental retardation you should be shot on sight for not being able to fish this out of your record collection to show to me. I don’t care if you live under a large rock in the middle of Lake Superior, you should track this bitch down and buy it, even if it means you have to pawn a testicle to do so. Four tracks by Laurent Ho that give me a hard on the size of the Eiffel Tower. Well, in fairness the first side isn’t does-n’t completely blow me away... it’s good and does build up to some pretty intense moments but it falls a little short... kinda like when your partner runs to the bathroom to spit our your load... Feels good, but there’s something lacking. Octotone on the flip more than makes up for any inadequacies though. This is the one that takes the pop shot in the kisser and swallows it all down time and time again. One of the most distorted, mind ripping, noise fests to greet my humble ears in a long while. Laurent Ho finds the dent he left in my ass and kicks it again for good measure. This one is off the scale completely. <fishead> Skullblower Stryg Dem Stramme (???, ???) Cryptic 10” with next to no info other than the artist and the song titles. I haven’t the faintest idea about the label or the country of origin, however... don’t fret too hard if you can’t find it. It’s pretty decent, but it ain’t all that. Both tracks are in the same vein of dark hardcore... not quite the doom core of the Kotzaak label, mind you, but still pretty menacing. Reminds me a bit of the Sons Of Gundso release on Drop Bass, but without the acid lines...Tempo depends on whether you let it go at 45 or 33... it keeps the same feel at both speeds but hits in a vastly different range, obviously. 344/666 <fishead> Dead Channel Skeptikal (Bastard Loud 015, USA) Grab a bag of nachos and get ready for a barn burner ‘cause the A-side has all the bite of some nasty salsa. This record might have shipped from New York City, but the flavour tells your taste buds that this spicy habanero came from down south. Texas, to be exact. Dead Channel delivers with a crunchy surprise that hits with an initial burn and lingers in your mouth long enough to draw a layer of sweat across your brow. Skeptikal and Main Damage are no nonsense and cheese free. Lots of grit and crunch and punch to leave you clutching your gut. Take some pepto bismal and a nap, ‘cause it only gets fiercer The other side opens up with Defective: the after burn. Stick your ass in the bathtub, pray for a bidet or something. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. Distorted kick drums out the arse, tearing and burning as they spew forth and leave you sitting in the ring of fire. Black Jack rounds things out, but really doesn’t do all that much for me. Hip hop loops that don’t leave much more than a bad taste in my mouth. Still, can’t fault the whole meal and three outta four ain’t bad. 513/666 <fishead> Rude 66 False Starts (Kultbox 004. USA) This record opens has the nastiest intro since that bit of evil on the second side of the Hate Tank 2x12”... Ominous bassline, preacher talking about possession by the devil and faster than you can raise your horns and hail satan the candy ravers have left the building. False Starts is all about 200bpm breaks run through some tasty effects with a dark bassline in tow. No complaints here... In fact it gets some praise for blurring the line between jungle and hardcore better than just about anything I’ve heard yet. The rest of the ep isn’t quite as fierce, but it’s solid nonetheless. Very Scary Indeed on the flip side loads you up with an overwhelming bassline and while there isn’t enough speed to double you over in shock, there’s still more than enough force to knock the wind out of you. Open the box and walk the red carpet pathway to hell. We’re waiting for you. 609/666 <fishead> DJ Freak Le Freak Est Mort?? (Deadly Systems 003, USA) Distorted distortion, as we’ve all come to expect from mr. Freak. Still hasn’t done anything that tops the sheer brutality of his stuff on Kill Out, but neither has anyone else...and I’ve gotta give him a lot of credit for never being too far off the mark. This time out it’s a pack of tracks that look loud before you drop the needle and don’t disappoint once you do. 4 To The Floor will satisfy the speed demons out there by ripping shit up at 294bpm... but (for once) I’m siding with the slowest track on the record as my personal choice. Planet Core sounds like Future Sound Of London’s Far-Out Son Of Lung fed into a sausage maker. In fact, you’d have a hard time convincing me that that’s not EXACTLY what it is... listen to ‘em side by side and compare... Syntax rounds out the trio and clocks somewhere between the other two... all around solid record from Deadly Buda’s fledgling label. 531/666 <fishead> Auto-Psy (Karnage 01, France) Stella Michelson rears her warped head on yet another imprint. Karnage is to Fraktal records as our old pal Damien was to the Dark Lord... The bastard son cursing the world with his very existence. Harder, darker and edgier than her work for Fischkopf this is a welcome addition to the growing heap of records I own bearing her name. This one sports four full-length tracks and one short slice of demonic weirdness. Pressing is pretty crap, but the tracks are pretty sweet. Buy it so that next time they can afford better wax. 478/666 <fishead> So... here I sit, a week after arriving at Furthur: wondering what hardcore really is. Is it hardcore to be yourself, no matter what the consequences? Is it hardcore to try and push yourself further and further? I don’t know. Maybe it’s a little bit of both. It occurred to me that maybe the best description is to say that it’s about losing restraints, but not losing control. They’re not the same and shouldn’t be confused. Restraints are the limits that are imposed on you by the world, by the people around you and by yourself. Lose them. They are the chains that drag you down and stop you from being free. Control, is another thing entirely. By freeing yourself from restraints you should be gaining control. The less restriction you have, the more mobile you are. It makes sense. It’s personal freedom in a nutshell. The control mechanisms should remain intact, though. Lately the hardcore list on the ‘net seems to revolve more and more around derogatory discussions of who is the hardest, when the more pressing question (for me, anyway) is “what the hell is this whole thing all about?” Hardcore isn’t about who is the fastest or loudest or noisiest. It might be about who is the most original or creative... but even that’s a little off. Hardcore is about finding your own voice and using it. Whether you’re shouting from the rooftops or whispering in your basement is irrelevant. Be yourself. Be hard. Be free… but always remember to show respect. Toys ‘R’ Us Nuclearpsychotronic Sampler (El Turco Loco - 03, USA) What the fuck? I wander into this record shop in Fargo, ND and stumble across this slab of weirdness... and it is genuinely weird. There looks to be 3 long-ish tracks on the a-side and a selection of shorter ones on the flip. Second side suits my purposes more, but your mileage may vary. I honestly don’t know what to say about this beast. It’s all over the place in terms of tempos and the only thing that remains constant is the distortion and general grittiness of the recording. The upside to all this is that there’s probably something on here that can get you out of any particular track you happen to be playing. This record can’t be pigeonholed as being any one style, and the title seems to indicate that it’s a sampler of several different artists. There’s no tracklisting to be found and it’s a white label, so figure it out for yourself. 453/666 <fishead> (contact El Turco Loco music: 212.460.3696) UK Skullfuck / Noizecreator (Surgeon 16 - 04, UK) UK Skullfuck opens things up with something fast... and the tempo stays there. 270bpm+ guitarcore for the valium challenged. La Haine features samples of some folk singer pickin’ his strings and leading people in a chorus of “we don’t smoke marijuana.” Later it breaks down into ragga samples, hard breaks guitars and noise. Next track recalls the second side of the Berzerker record on Bastard Loud, only the guy yelling sounds like he’s angrier and taller. The prolific Noizecreator does the flip...populated with more speed and a nice raping of Alles Naar De Klote called Manipulated Dutchman...Your friends will probably hate it, so buy it now ‘cause you’ll probably never hear it otherwise. Would get a higher mark, but I’m starting to get tired of guitars. 516/666 <fishead> Kingz Of Noize- If Jesus Was The Devil (Six-Sixty-Six - 009, USA) Basically if you don’t buy the Six-Sixty-Six stuff on sight then I think you’re a moron. This one is my favourite since the Ingler release (SSS005), although it’s in a completely different style. The first side starts out with some down’n’dirty, noise laden breaks that are well constructed and surprisingly mixable. As an added bonus there’s a choice noise track littered with samples of some evangelist yelling from a top his high horse, nice place to start a set from... or visit when you want to give people a bit of a break. Second side is where you really feel the pitchfork. Two tracks with mad effects...kick drums mutate into tones and then the static breaks up and turns into a beat again. Fucking brilliant... you should own this already. 616/666 <fishead> Radium / MNO (Slaves Of Devil Our Master - 04) A couple of my favourite producers go toe to toe on a split 12”. Radium (from Micropoint) contributes two tracks of solid sounding hardcore from the country that’s been topping my list of places to listen to for the last year: France. Delicious. Naoto Suzuki is the culprit on the other side, and the first track (Silent Maternity) is one of the best tracks I’ve heard from him thus far. Not nearly as fast as the Deadly Drive and Smily Slayers tracks, and not as abusive as his DDT work. The two tracks on the Japanese side of the record show a side of him I’d like to see more of. 576/666 <fishead> Neroptic (Epiteth - 011, France) Damn it... What is with this country. Another extremely solid release for fans of throbbing noise in the 200-215bpm range. I can’t even find the words to express how good this record is. Four tracks and the only one that does-n’t get full marks is Analog Alien ‘cause it bites my ass the wrong way. The rest of the record manages the difficult task of being hard and smooth at the same time. The programming is impeccable... if you don’t believe me have a listen to the last third of FMM: from 4/4 kicks to rolling beats to bursts of noise and back again... just make sure you give yourself room to get out of the track ‘cause the end is just about guaranteed to fuck up a mix. I wonder if they’d let me migrate to Paris. Henry Miller sure had a good time there. 664/666 <fishead> Three Bad Brothers (Industrial Strength - 048, USA) Well produced hardcore in the 230bpm range. Surprising ‘cause most of the Torgull and Manu Le Malin I’ve heard has been a lot slower... But please, don’t think that’s a complaint... I love this record. I wasn’t sure what to make of the lack of distortion on the kick drum, but the more I listen the more I like. It’s kinda like arguing about what’s better for beheading your victims, an axe or the guillotine. They both do the job, and they both inspire fear... but let’s face it. The guillotine probably brought more people to the bring of pants crapping terror than a rusty axe ever did. Watch out for the hip-hop breakdown in Suckers, have fun and remember to keep your head and arms inside the Mixer at all times. ‘Cause regardless of how enjoyable it is to talk about decapitation Bill will tell you it’s no fun finding yer kid’s head over by the SnoCone concession... “Stuart, do you know that this record gets… 583/666?” <fishead> Static Tremor / Destroyer / Ingler / Headfuck DJ Team Headfuckers v1 (Headfuck - 002, Italy) I’m still playing Crusher’s Kickdrum from the first Headfuck release and here comes #2. I hear they’re all the way up to #4 now, but nobody sends me promos (hint, hint) so how would I know. The side with the picture is the a-side. Static Tremor starts it off with a tune that breaks down into an eerie Twilight Zone-esque that should be positively piercing on a large system... This is followed by The Destroyer’s track which is nice and playable, but suffers greatly from a bouncy melody that runs all the way through it. Arxfile by Ingler is enough to nearly obliterate memory of that track and surprised the hell out of me by including a vocal sample. Unfortunately, things end on a low note with the Headfuck DJ Team’s track... it’s not bad, but it doesn’t really go anywhere... just sort of pounds away in a bassy way for a few minutes and then goes home. Two tracks worth playing out and another two that barely make the grade mean this one only scores 423/666. <fishead> Radium Ministry Of Mass Domination (Psychotik Genocide - 001, France) First side of this seems like pretty standard fare, if you ignore the seemingly random downward shifts in tempo that occur a couple of times in Nootropyl Addiction (which is the first time I can recall picking a Kraftwerk sample out of a hardcore track). Second side, however, is another story completely. Harder and faster, louder and faster. Tracks that speed up instead of slowing down… cranking their way to new heights like a car revving it’s engine. Not a guitar in sight and Mode Hardcore takes Master And Servant by synth-pop toy-boys Depeche Mode and does a very nice job of mangling it in new and innovative ways. Try that with your old feather duster! 600/666 <fishead> Bomb 20 Flip Burgers Or Die (DHR - 21, Germany) Probably my favourite breakcore producer. I often feel that breakcore is just jungle with bad production values, but Bomb 20 did a nice job of their first DHR release, and these 5 tracks hit in a similar spot. Sounds are clean when they need to be and gritty when they want to be. Scratch like noises littered all through both sides of the record and some impressive sample work show that this crew aren’t afraid to display their hip-hop roots. For fellow conspiracy theorists out there DHR posse provide more evidence that they’re listening to a lot of Nasenbluten. Over The Top on side 2 samples the same WuTang passage that Australia’s own shred on their “Really Nasty...” ep for Storm. The aforementioned Over The Top is the only track on the second side that grabbed me, but side one kicks some ass. After a lot of thought I’d have to say that the opening track Made Of Shit is the track to rip speakers up with... Dark bassline and the loudest drums on the record spell things out nice’n’clear. 545/666 <fishead> Opaque / Dr Butcher MD Dark ep (v1.1) (Freakshow - 01, USA) Wahn Taho by Opaque occupies the first side of the record... The track starts with what sounds like it could be someone playing a guitar with a bow, regardless of what it sounds like it IS fuckin’ dark, evil shit. Distorted, speedcore from Indiana... Yeah, you heard me, the Hoosiers are gonna kill us all. I swear. The virus has infected the heartland, we’re all doomed. Now, don’t flip the record just yet... Go down to the video store and grab a mixed bag of Italian gore flicks in preparation for Dr. Butcher MD. Anything by Bava or Fulci should suit your purposes… although I’ve got a soft spot for Argento’s Profondo Rosso. Mind Silence is THE shit. The dischordant intro sounds the alarm for what is coming. John Wayne’s vocal chords are hurled at you and then beaten into a pulp and the beat keeps storming around the room, chasing you from hiding spot to hiding spot and then it ends. You feel safe for a second or two... and then you remember there’s still one more track. You leap from behind the couch, running for your life, hoping to get to the turntable before it starts up… but you’re too late. “We’re Going To Get You” and they do. The virus spreads. 666/666 <fishead> (contact Freakshow records: 812.323.1739) Christ Of Noise Amiga Tools Industry v1 & v2 (Provision - 002 & 003, France) Nasenbluten Cheapcore (Strike, Germany) Mick Parks Future Uncertain (white, Canada) EPC Don’t Want To Lose (Fischkopf, Germany) Lukas vs. Randy Beep CH.IT. (IST, USA) GGM vs. Extrement (Hard Of Hearing. UK) DJ Torgull - The Fridge (IST, USA) Following reviews by Shawn O’ Sullivan digital hut 10, doormouse, inside out liver meat balloon deadly systems 4, brandon spivey, atomic clock MORE REVIEWS...By Chuck, Matt, and Buda DJ Freak / B.E.A.S.T 009 DJ Freak’s new release after the deadly system’s release. He’s not slowing down any! This record rips your mind open from the start with Hicks Rools man. Then it pound’s your head with Cocaine. A blistering track that doesn’t let up till the last beat. Flip it over and punish your speakers some more with Respect due and The Punisher. It’s in my record crate. Cold Fusion Mafia / Psywarp 01 Psycho Audible Warp Phenomenon takes jungle to a smooth intelligent plane with dark sounds and evil samples. Booth sides are clean, all most flawless. If you love Dune you’ll need to pick this one up. Bodysnatcher / Ambush 06 DJ Scud and Christoph Fringelli come together to tear up some new tracks together. Can you say brutal?! This is what hardcore is about. Find and you tell me. Infrabass / The new 12’ to come out of the Farmlab 9805 .A new noise jungle track, a noisecore and digital noisecore track. Various Artists / Join the Queercorps This records carries some heavy names names on it. Jack acid and Chris Polaris doing “ Join the Queercorps “{which is stuffed full of samples}, 680x0 doing “contention”{crushing simply crushing} ,Christoph de Babylon doing “Deattached ( A maximum volume interpretation )” And last but not least k.o. doing “ Lewd Lewd Lewd “my personal fave . Start to finish it would fit in any good hardcore set. Guys of Shit / Gobble 5 This can take you back to that old school techno sound but add a hardcore beat to it on the A side. The B-side starts off with a track that could be called a hardcore copy of moby 1000. The second track is a hip-hop hardcore cut full of scratching and pounding beats. Postcore / Widerstand 05 The new Widerstand is 6 tracks of noise and beats. If you need a noise track to split your friends head open this has it “cobra” this track spits poison. Overcast/Bloody Fist 16 No Copyright! Well, this’ll make a Bloody Fist believer out of just about anyone. Mad sound collages dodgy rap samples, and awesome samples that will just get them in trouble if they are mentioned in print. Fucking Brilliant. -buda Overcast / Bloody Fist 17 Another killer slab from the guys over at Bloody Fist. Overcast is a dark day in the realm of jungle. Both sides of this are dark and moody, more tracks to kill to. The B side track “ Fallout “ has some of that hip-hop flavor. Syndicate/Bloody Fist 18 I was about to say 16 was the best BF yet, but then this one was right behind it. This is it! Until 19 I hope! Fuck Sydney, Visions of Death, and Mac Eleven are the standout tracks. A devastating volley in the battle for Australia! -buda Ho.exe/Uncivilized World 07 Civilization! Ha! This is what I think about your “Snivel-I-zaaaation” heh, heh, heh, UCW back with more experimental techno, Tetrapak being the jam-IMHO, Millsy with some odd bits combine for a track that offers up suprises at all the right times. -buda Fear Teachers/Running Scared/First Shade of Fear Dark Electro and ominous 4/4 drifting into Broken B’s mark this album’s 2 tracks. Is that technically an e.p? Oh well, anyway, this one is sorta like the UCW7 in that it’s technoey with some neat bits thrown in that give it a lot of character. -buda I Hate Flesh e.p./New Skin 02 Headcleaners? A Fringelli/Mwarf combo? I am not sure, but it sure sounds like it. Experimental jungle, electro, techno, you name it, it’s all-good over here. Well, except for Second Hex, but maybe I just wasn’t in the mood. The last Half of the first A cut is great, and the A2 cut is this excellent electro piece, and B3 gets special mention for “best doodly quirk track at the end of the B side” of the month award. -buda First Shade of Fear EP / Running Scared RS001 This could have made the THX1138 sound track or the movie made it. “Were passing thought the magnetic field “ sold me on this one. Dark jungle beats and smooth bass lines keep this one moving. Cybermouse “ Body Pack 95” / Fischopf 003 Crushing beats from 95. This is the one with War is hell .So digital you all most need to read binary to get it. Travis Bickle, Suburban sabotage series vol. 1 / Suburban Trash Sounds like a very experimental Dead Voices on Air with dark beats. With all the noise and crunch of a car wreck repeated over and over and over and over....etc..... The New Crew / Tcher No Beat 003 This two man Crew finds a way to blend old school sounds with tweaky 303 lines to make The New Crew. Murad Qureshi EP / Break/Flow This holds a pile of names on it. System Ucs. Christoph de Babylon , Eric Random , New Acephale , and The Narrator these guys will shove it down your ear canal . The System Ucs. Track is defiantly Skinny Puppy if they did hardcore. Brain Bruiser / Gobble 4 Watch your head phone levels this A side may kill you. The B sides two tracks are filled with beats and some 303 work .The last track sounds a bit on the Cybertone side. {for those that remember old EON} It ‘s so fast you can’t catch the samples. Dr. Machete “ The Damaged Skull EP “ / Special Forces 006 Lay the needle down and you start to hear the killer breathing in your ear slowly he gets nearer. Then blam your blood is on the floor and the doctor is in! This EP is for any one stalking their X!! This is hardcore that makes you want to kill. Radio Bomb / Travelling Pirate Radio Time to tune in to Radio Bomb . The heave dark jungle on this well is well done. The smooth bass lines will leave notes running thought your head and the sound of the wind hollowing in your empty skull. Pariah / Bedroom Tracks Vol. 1 BTK004 Full of heavy dark synth work . Last track on the A side has a sweet P.E. loop. Looking for a build up? Half of the first track is the build. Void / Void Records One 12’ full of dark jungle, digital noise and heavy dark synth cords. Old therimen sounds make it even creepier . |